Monday, May 25, 2020

Management Theory and Practice - 1736 Words

Bachelor of Science in Human Resource management school of business Management theory and practice – assignment one Name: Taonga Emily mbuzi Computer numb: 1021 Tutor: Mr. Muleya INTRODUCTION Management is a process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives within a changing environment. (Kreitner R. 2007, p. 5) it has approaches, theories, principles which need to be learnt in order that we understand the nature of management properly and as would be mangers, apply them these principles to our day-to-day lives. In this assignment I will discuss the approaches (classical school approach and the behavioral historical theories) to management and their†¦show more content†¦He focused on identifying major functions and principles that managers could use to achieve superior levels of organizational performance. He came up with the following 5 operational activities, 5 management functions and 14 principles of management. The operating activities include; * Technical activities, * commercial activities, * accounting activities, n * security activities and * Financial activities. While the management functions include; * planning * organizing * controlling * commanding *Show MoreRelatedManagement Theory And Practice Theory1027 Words   |  5 PagesManagement Theory and Practice Nichole Park MGT 601 Instructor: Andree Swanson â€Æ' Management Theory and Practice Who has not dreamed of being a manager? Being in management for some people can be a love hate relationship. Some will say it is an easy job and others will disagree. The author (Nichole) will select one of the management theories in the textbook then she will explain the elements that are the foundation of the management theory she selected. 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